Execution information

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For the most up-to-date information, see the info.cairo contract.

The struct ExecutionInfo contains the following information about the currently executing block and the transactions in the block.

The ExecutionInfo struct

block_info: Box<BlockInfo>

Contains information about a block. For details, see The BlockInfo struct

tx_info: Box<TxInfo>

Contains information about a transaction. For details, see Transaction information: The TxInfo struct

caller_address: ContractAddress

The address of the contract that invokes the get_execution_info syscall.

contract_address: ContractAddress

The address of the contract in which the get_execution_info syscall appears.

entry_point_selector: felt252

The function that includes the get_execution_info syscall.

The BlockInfo struct

block_number: u64

The number of the block that is currently being executed. When called from an account contract’s `__validate__`, `__validate_deploy__`, or `__validate_declare__` function, this value is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 100.

block_timestamp: u64

The timestamp showing the creation time of the block, in seconds since the Unix epoch, based on UTC time, rounded down to the nearest second. When called from an account contract’s `__validate__`, `__validate_deploy__`, or `__validate_declare__` function, this value is rounded down to the nearest hour.

sequencer_address: ContractAddress

The address of the Starknet sequencer contract.

Transaction information: The TxInfo struct

version: felt252

The version of the transaction. It is fixed (currently, 3) in the OS, and should be signed by the account contract. This field allows invalidating old transactions, whenever the meaning of the other transaction fields is changed (in the OS).

account_contract_address: ContractAddress

The account contract from which this transaction originates.

max_fee: u128

The max_fee field of the transaction.

signature: Span<felt252>

The signature of the transaction.

transaction_hash: felt252

The hash of the transaction.

chain_id: felt252

The identifier of the chain. This field can be used to prevent replay of testnet transactions on mainnet.

nonce: felt252

The transaction’s nonce.

resource_bounds: Span<ResourceBounds>

A span of ResourceBounds structs. For details, see The ResourceBounds struct.

tip: u128

The tip.

paymaster_data: Span<felt252>

If specified, the paymaster should pay for the execution of the tx. The data includes the address of the paymaster sponsoring the transaction, followed by extra data to send to the paymaster.

nonce_data_availability_mode: u32

The data availability mode for the nonce.

fee_data_availability_mode: u32

The data availability mode for the account balance from which fee will be taken.

account_deployment_data: Span<felt252>

If nonempty, will contain the required data for deploying and initializing an account contract: its class hash, address salt and constructor calldata.

The ResourceBounds struct

resource: felt252

The name of the resource.

max_amount: u64

The maximum amount of the resource allowed for usage during the execution.

max_price_per_unit: u128

The maximum price the user is willing to pay for the resource unit.