Current limits

Last edit


Starknet currently has a number of limits in place in order to keep the network stable and optimized for the best performance.

Blockifier-related constants and limits are defined, starting from Starknet version v0.13.0, in versioned_constants.json.

These are subject to revisions and change on a regular basis

Sepolia testnet replaces Goerli testnet.

Goerli testnet support is now removed.

For more information, including bridge support for Sepolia, see Starknet Goerli Deprecation in the Starknet Dev News newsletter.

Table 1. Starknet’s current limits
Entity Description Sepolia Mainnet

Block time

The maximum amount of time within which a pending block is closed, if no other limit is met.

6 minutes

6 minutes

Block limit (Cairo steps)

The maximum number of Cairo steps that can be completed within each block to ensure block production times remain consistent and predictable.



Block limit (gas)

Certain Starknet operations, such as sending messages between L1 and L2, consume Ethereum gas. The current L1 state update mechanism involves an Ethereum transaction for each Starknet block.

The gas limit for Starknet blocks is therefore inherited from the gas limit for Ethereum blocks.



Max transaction size (Cairo steps)

The maximum number of computational steps, measured in Cairo steps, that a transaction can contain when processed on the Starknet network. This limit is important for ensuring the efficient execution of transactions and preventing potential congestion.



Max Cairo steps for validate

The maximum number of computational steps, measured in Cairo steps, for a validate function.



Max contract bytecode size (Number of felts in the program)

The maximum size of the bytecode or program that a smart contract can have on Starknet.

Bytecode is the low-level code that comprises smart contracts. Limiting this size helps manage the complexity of contracts and the overall efficiency of the network.



Max contract class size

The maximum size for a contract class within Starknet.

Contract classes are a fundamental building block for smart contracts, and limiting their size can have implications for the network’s scalability and security.

4,089,446 bytes

4,089,446 bytes

IP address limits (read/write)

In order to reduce network spam, Starknet limits the amount of contract reads and writes that a single IP address can make.

200 per min per IP address

200 per min per IP address

Signature length (felts)



Calldata length (felts)

